




Peire Bremon Ricas Novas









Pus partit an lo cor En Sordel e·N Bertrans


I no longer complain that Sir Sordel and Sir Bertran have divided up the heart of the honourable Sir Blacatz: I will divide up his body among many great countries. There the Lombards and Germans, Apulia, Russia, Friesia, and the Brabantines will have one quarter: let them all come to Rome to adore the holy body, and let the noble emperor build a chapel there such that Merit, Joy, Pleasure and Song will be celebrated.



de l’adreg En Blacas, plus me non suy clamans:




yeu partiray lo cors en mantas terras grans.




La un cartier auran Lombart et Alaman  




e Polha e Rossia e Frissa e Brayman:




trastut vengan en Roma adhorar lo cors san,




e fassa·y tal capela l’emperayre prezans




on Pretz sia servitz, Joys e Solatz e Chans.









L’autre cartier auran Franses ab Bergonhos,


The French and Burgundians, Savoy and the Viennois, the Auvergnats and Bretons and valiant Poitevins will have the second quarter, since they love spending; and if the cowardly English go there to make confession, they are not so wicked that they may not afterwards be considered good, for the holy body is deposited in a religious place; and let the king who owns Paris protect it well from fools, with sense and munificence, for in this way he will be virtuous.



Savoy’e Vianes, Alvernhat ab Breto




e·l valen Peytavi, car lor platz messios;




e si·lh coart Engles y fan cofessios,




no son tan malastruc que pueys no·ls trop hom bos,




que·l cors sans es pauzatz en loc religios;




e·l reys cui es Paris gart lo be dels bricos




ab sen et ab largueza, qu’enaysi sera bos. 









Lo ters cartier auran li valen Castelan,


The valiant Castilians will have the third quarter, and Gascons, Catalans and Aragones will come to worship it, for they have noble and perfect merit; and if the king of Navarre comes there, let him be well assured that unless he is generous and brave he will not see anything of the body; the good Castilian king will receive it, for he will protect the holy body by giving and spending, since his ancestor ruled like this, with fine sovereign merit.



e vegan l’azorar Gascon e Catalan




et Aragones, car an fin pretz e prezan;




e si·l reys de Navarra y ven, sapcha de plan,  




si non es larcx e pros, jes del cors no veira;




que·l bos reys castelans lo tenra en sa man,




que donan e meten lo cors san gardara,




c’aysi renhet sos avis ab fin pretz sobeyran.









Lo cart cartier aurem nos autri Proensal


We Provençals will have the fourth quarter, because I would not be too sorry if we gave [us] all of it; and we’ll place it in Saint-Gilles, as if in a communal place. And let those of the Rouergue and the Toulousain and Béziers come if they want excellent merit: for henceforth the counts will have peace and sincere love, and each will pay attention, if I have my wish, to his salvation; for a court of great renown without gifts is worthless.



car si·l donavam tot, trop no·n penria mal;




e metrem·l a San Gili, com en loc cominal.




E vengan Roergat e Tolzas atretal




e silh de Bederres, si volon pretz cabal:




c’ueymay auran li comte patz ab amor coral,




e gardara·s cascus, per mon vol, a son sal;




car grans cortz mentaguda ses donar res no val.









La testa del cors san trametray veramen


The holy body’s head I shall definitely send over there, to Jerusalem, where God was born, to the Sultan of Cairo there, as long as he takes baptism, and I will offer the head to him, but otherwise I will refuse to give it to him. And may Gui of Guibelhet, since he possesses noble and worthy merit, protect the relic well from the pagans; and if the king of Acre comes there, let him abandon the longing for money, and be generous and brave, and look after the gift well.



lay en Iherusalem, on Dieus pres naysemen;




lay al Saudan del Cayre, sol pren batejamen,




e prezenti·l la testa, may estiers la·y defen.




E Gui de Guibelhet, car a fin pretz valen,




garde be la vertut per la payana gen;




e si·l reys d’Acre y ven, lays cobeitat d’argen,




e sia larcx e pros, e gart ben lo prezen.             









Pus Dieus a preza l’arma d’En Blacas francamen,


Since God has sincerely taken the soul of Sir Blacatz, many valiant knights will serve Him instead.



say serviran per luy man cavayer valen.





Text: Paolo Di Luca, Il trovatore Peire Bremon Ricas Novas, Modena 2008, p. 245.Rialto 31.i.2014. 

Notes: This planh on the death of Blacatz dates from between 1234 and 1242, probably the end of 1236 or the beginning of 1237. The troubadours Sordel and Bertran d’Alamanon (1) had both composed planhs for the death of Blacatz (BdT 437.24 and BdT 76.12), Sordel inviting members of the European nobility to share in the Provençal nobleman’s virtues by eating pieces of his heart, Bertran considering the noblemen to be unworthy of doing so and asking the most worthy ladies to look after it. The noblemen referred to in the present song are the emperor Frederick II (7), Henry III of England (12), Louis IX of France 15), King Thibaut I of Navarre (20), King Ferdinand III of Castile (22), his uncle Alfonso VIII of Castile (24), the counts Raimon Berenguer V of Provence and Raimon VII of Toulouse (30), Sultan Malek el Kamel of Egypt (35), Gui de Guibelhet, a knight who had taken part in the siege of Damietta in 1218  (37), and John of Brienne, who became king of Jerusalem in 1210 on his marriage to Queen Mary of Monferrat (39). During Frederick II’s crusade, in 1238, the sultan and the emperor made peace; at this time Pope Gregory IX had sent clerics along with the crusaders in a mostly vain attempt to convert the Muslim population and their leader to Christianity (see 35). – Line 34: I have preferred to assume a comma rather than a semi-colon at the end of this line.

[LP, lb]


BdT    Peire Bremon Ricas Novas

Songs referring to the crusades