Text: Linda Paterson, Rialto 3.xii.2011. Mss.: Da 170v, H 44r-v, I 143r-v, K 129r. Diplomatic editions: Wilhelm Grüzmacher, report in «Sitzungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für das Studium der neueren Sprachen», Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literatur, 34, 1863, pp. 137-202 (on pp. 141-202) and 368-438, pp. 402-403 (= H); Carl August Friedrich Mahn, Gedichte der Troubadours, in provenzalischer Sprache, 4 vols., Berlin 1856-1873, no. 955 (= I); Louis Gauchat and Heinrich Kehrli, «Il canzoniere provenzale H (Cod. Vaticano 3207)», Studi di filologia romanza, 5, 1891, pp. 341-568, no. 146 (= H). Critical editions: Adolf Kolsen, Dichtungen der Trobadors auf Grund altprovenzalischer Handschriften, 3 vols., Halle 1916-1919, p. 61 (on I and without K; German translation; French translation by Arno Krispin, «La tradition manuscrite des trobairitz: le chansonnier H», Atti del secondo Congresso internazionale della AIEO (Torino, 31 agosto - 5 settembre 1987), ed. Giuliano Gasca Queirazza, 2 vols., Turin 1993, pp. 231-242 (on p. 234); Rossella Bonaugurio, in Rialto (2003); Linda Paterson, Lecturae tropatorum, 3, 2010, pp. 24. Other editions: Martín de Riquer, Los trovadores. Historia literaria y textos, 3 vols., Barcelona 1975, vol. III, p. 1240 (on Kolsen; Spanish translation); Angelica Rieger, Trobairitz. Der Beitrag der Frau in der altokzitanischen höfischen Lyrik. Edition des Gesamtkorpus, Tübingen 1991, pp. 341-348 (on Kolsen; German translation). Versification: a10 a10 b10 a10 a10 b10 (Frank 91:3). Six coblas doblas. Note: Attribution and dating. The text cannot be precisely dated, though Guillem Rainol was active at the time of the Albigensian Crusade, his sirventes BdT 231.1a having been composed in 1216 just after Simon de Montfort raised the siege of Beaucaire (see Martin Aurell, La Vielle et l’épée. Troubadours et politique en Provence au XIIIe siècle, Paris 1989, p. 47. [LP] Guilhem Rainol d’At |