
293.20 secondary version











Tot a estrun




vei Marchabrun,




qe conjat voletz demandar:




de mal partir




no·us don consir




car sai be mesur’ esgardar.




Petit enfan




m’as trobat [t]an




qe l’un l’autre non pot levar,




qi m’an rescos




fe qe dei vos




d’aisso don solia gabar.




S’agues aver




a mon plazer




largos [vos] fora del donar,




mas car non l’ai




prenes balai




tro qe lo sapchatz baratar.




De fol perpres




t’es entremes




con fes lo mouton de l’anar:




qan va de Bles




deven cortes




sai per mon aver conqistar.




Qan i venres,




no vos n’ires




qe sai poscas ren gazagnar.



Qan tornaras,




segurs seras




de segnor et eu de joglar.








es Pan-perdut




e cuge m[e] to nom celar.







es reconegut.



e cuge me to nom celar.



Una re·us dic




segner n’Enric,




mout es d’aver mondes e plan,




qan so disses




qe no aves




q’a setembre vos faill lo gran.




Et a nadal




tot atrestal




vos faill la carn e·l vin e·l pan.




Et al Pascor




qeretz l’austor,




e gardatz l’agur de l’obran.




A destre·us vai




don vei e sai




de bon alberc es seguran,




se·l agur faill




segon badaill:




encolpatz n’es sain Julian.




Tot vostre us




sab Marcabrus:




lo carem’ el vostre vivan,




de ventr’ umplir




e d’escarnir




e de sobrebezir putan.




Del usurar



no·us chal parlar



qe donar es chars e van.




De lenguejar




contra joglar




es plus afilatz qe magran.




De vostre bec,




aitan malec,




no·s jauzi anc nul crestian.




Del vostre bec,



aitan malec,



no·s jauzi anc nul crestian.




Text: Gaunt, Harvey and Paterson 2000 (XXb).  – Rialto 14.xii.2004.

Ms.: a1 (571).

Critical editions: Simon Gaunt, Ruth Harvey and Linda Paterson, Marcabru: A Critical Edition, Cambridge, D. S. Brewer, 2000, p. 291.

Versification: See BdT 293.20’s versification.

Note: In a1 BdT 293.20 and 293.43 are treated as one text with no stanza division.  The text given above is from a1 with some clear errors corrected in order to make the text as semantically coherent as possible, which in fact means that there are a fair number of corrections since the text is in such a poor state. The second column of line numbers in brackets gives the line numbers in BdT 293.20. Another problem with a1’s transmission of the conjoined poems is that the ‘b’ rhyme in what corresponds to BdT 293.43 is recorded systematically as -an rather than  -ans (ADIKz) / -as (CR).  If the language of the text is to respect the two-case system, this renders many lines ungrammatical since the nom. inflection would be expected at the rhyme in lines 39, 42, 45, 51, 54, 63, 66, 69 and  72.  It is noteworthy that in most of the instances where a ‘b’ rhyme in -an produces a grammatically correct reading, a1 is isolated and the reading is almost certainly therefore the result of innovation either at the rhyme or earlier in the line. The most likely explanation of the state of the text in this respect is that at some stage a transmitter with a less than firm grasp of the two-case system (who may have inherited a copy with some missing inflections at the rhyme, as well as elsewhere) reworked the poem fairly substantially without realising that -ans and -an could not be taken as equivalent.  Correcting the resultant ‘mistakes’ would require frequent and  substantial intervention, while the fact that so many  uninflected forms occur at the rhyme suggests that they are an accurate reflection of the language (or linguistic incompetence) of the remanieur responsible for this version of the the conjoined poems. We assume this reworking to be 13th-c., given the advanced disintegration of the case system that is inherent in the form of this version of the poem.


Main version based on A


BdT    Marcabru