Foreword to the online edition of dialogues not included in Boydell volume
This text originally formed part of the corpus of troubadour dialogue-pieces begun by Professor John Marshall and taken over by Ruth Harvey and Linda Paterson (for details, see Linda M. Paterson, «L’édition des tensos et partimens», in «Ab nou cor et ab nou talen». Nouvelles tendances de la recherche médiévale occitane, Actes du Colloque AIEO (L’Aquila, 5-7 juillet 2001), édités par Anna Ferrari et Stefania Romualdi, Modena 2004, pp. 317-324). A few of these pieces were eventually excluded from the collection published by Boydell in 2010 (The Troubadour Tensos and Partimens: A Critical Edition, by Ruth Harvey and Linda Paterson in collaboration with Anna Radaelli and Claudio Franchi, Walter Meliga, Giuseppe Noto, Zeno Verlato, Christina Zeni), and are now being published on Rialto.
The project in its entirety benefited from the award of a Larger Research Grant by the British Academy (2001-2) to conduct a feasibility study with the assistance of Sarah Lowson, and a Resource Enhancement Grant from the Arts and Humanities Research Council to fund the work of two research assistants: Dr Anna Radaelli in 2003-5 and Dr Claudio Franchi in 2004-6.
The editorial approach adopted is outlined in The Troubadour Tensos and Partimens, pp. xxi–xxxi. While all editions are the fruit of joint discussion, one of us assumed primary responsibility for preparing the edition of each piece and those initials appear on the relevant page.
Linda Paterson
Alaisina · Carenza (12.1 = 108.1)
Alexandre · Blacasset (19.1 = 96.4)
Blacatz · Peire Pelissier [Peire Vidal?] (97.3 = 353.2)
Eble d’Uisel · Gui d’Uisel (129.2 = 194.5)
Granet (189.4)
Gui d’Uisel · Eble d’Uisel (194.16 = 129.4)